Drop the Maryland Israel Development Center
The Maryland Israel Development Center (MIDC) serves as the broker to bring Israeli companies into Maryland. Most of these companies are weapons manufacturers and, in two instances, are actually the Israel military itself. The State of Maryland as well as counties - most specifically Montgomery - provide the MIDC with grants and special privileges (e.g., ribbon-cutting ceremonies, additional grants, etc.). Once in our State, these “merchants of death” use their offices as a launch pad for Pentagon contracts and merging with other war profiteers.
Join our campaign to end telling elected officials to end funding to the MIDC.
About the MIDC
Below are other organizations supporting this campaign.
Al Aqsa Swim Club*
Arab-American Anti Discrimination Committee (Maryland Chapter)*
Baltimore Nonviolence Center
Baltimore Phil Berrigan Chapter of Veterans for Peace
Baltimore Women in Black
Diaspora Pa’lante Collective
Frederick Ceasefire Now
Friends of Latin America
Friends of Sabeel North America
The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation
Howard County for a Free Palestine
Jewish Voice for Peace, University of Maryland Chapter
Montgomery County DSA
Montgomery County Palestine Solidarity Network
Our Revolution Howard County
Our Revolution Maryland
Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace
Pax Christi, Metro DC-Baltimore
Peace Action Frederick
Peace Action Montgomery
Peace and Justice Coalition of Prince Georges County
Southern Maryland for Palestine
University of Maryland’s Students for Justice in Palestine (UMD-SJP)
Viva House, Baltimore Catholic Worker
Walt Whitman High School MSA
*Coalition Leads